Tuesday, January 28, 2014


... I'm preparing my defense against the 4 enemies with whom I live at home 18.



I am very grateful to the Bronx Civil Court for the opportunity to allow me to report the misdeeds I have been victim by Ms. Rosa Catano and her family. This case is not only a matter of eviction is a matter of aggression sexual, persecution, constant intimidation, mental child abuse and corruption. My testimony is based on terrible facts that I have personally witnessed and have evidence to support them. (Pictures and video recordings). Also, in information given to me by Mrs. Catano.

On October 17, 2019 the super of the building at 2665 Grand Concourse Bronx, New York 10468. through corrupt actions brought me to Ms. Rosa Catano to rent one of her rooms. She had remodeled the apartment 3 H so that two cousins Clara, Ivan and I would pay her rent. She turned the living room into two bedrooms one for her and the other for her 13-year-old son, the hallway became the living room with furniture. The fire escape stairs were blocked, and the apartment is very dark. The lease is in the name of Ms. Catano and ex-husband Mr. Raúl Caba although he does not live in the apartment.

On November 16, 2019 I was sexually assaulted by Ivan, the next day I informed Ms. Catano what her cousin did to me. Ivan's sexual harassment continued, and on one of Mr. Caba's visits to his son, I told him Ivan's sexual assault. On January 19, 2020 Ms. Catano was enraged with me for revealing her cousin's actions and resorted to fraudulent and criminal actions to kick me out of the house. She used her son infusing him with murderer thoughts that I'm going to kill them both. Her son had already been used to kick his father out of the house as an excuse for the mother getting rid of him.
According to Ms. Catano, the court handed her documents for two lawsuits against me and she used them to intimidate me by engaging others. Clara threatened to hit me. 

Ivan has put terror on me with his pursuit and approaches with minimal distance.
Sometimes his harassment seems to be a seduction to make another sex attack. He stalks me as soon as he realizes I'm leaving my room. He goes to the kitchen, to the bathroom or leaves his bedroom door open to chase me. He walks by my room wearing a towel that only covers his intimate parts. I feed myself on canned. I use the kitchen after 10:00 pm. to wash some dishes and those minutes are used to harass me. Ivan has terrified me by approaching very close to me to take a knife. He moved me out of the sink to wash a banana and an orange. He wears shorts letting his butt see it.

August 7, 2020 Ivan stalked me in the basement when I was washing clothes and a lady who witnessed how he was looking for me, also she got scared. The evil effects of Ms. Catano's mental manipulation towards her son began to take effects. On the same day, at 10:35 PM he raised a lantern and pointed at me with the light in a clear act of hatred and menace. Ms. Catano’s son needs urgent psychological care because of his unhealthy life and cohabitation with a sex stalker.  My story is documented in my blog www.bankofamericamykiller.com   Attached you will find more detailed information of the most relevant facts. (August 21, 2020)


New York, April 26, 2020

At this moment when the world survives the Covid 19 crisis, I am grateful to be alive and to be able to include this deep pain in my history.



My professional life…                                     My miserable life…
My new job which I was forced to leave            This is the life that Bank of
 because of Bank of America lawyers              America forced me to live. 
 involved dishonestly. They lied to the               The door of my house is
 Court saying they won’t contact my new          now the door of storage.
 employment if I told them where I was


 My memories…                                                              My loneliness…

They s warm me up from the inside, but they                  Isolation is a dream killer…
 also tear me apart. I miss my job and my                       devastation is overwhelming me
 beloved friend; both are gone.

My American Dream…

I worked hard to keep a decent place to make my living.

My other place to think on a paper…
                                        Writing eases my suffering,
                                                                     I feel totally cut off from the rest of the world.

October 17, 2018-Present

While I resist the hell, I live at home 18, I'm preparing my defense to file with the court in the landlady's lawsuit against me. This is one of the most relevant events in my case that I'm not going to let go unnoticed.

Mr. Ivan Urbano is Mrs. Catano's another cousin. After my move I met him in the kitchen only three times. He also told me about his sister Clara's unpleasant attitude and suggested that I pay no attention to her. On November 16, 2019 Mr. Ivan came to my room saying he wanted to tell me something. He sat on a chair and I sat on the edge of my bed. He told me that since he came from his country over a year, haven’t had sex because he had no money to date a woman. He began to make fun at me by saying that an old lady like me can have a lot of orgasms with a 40-year-old man like him. He had a thin pajama and it was evident that he was not wearing underwear, the erection and movement of his penis was vulgar.

Suddenly he came up to me to rub his penis on my arm, I could feel his sexual arousal and his intentions to rape me. I pushed him out of my body asking to leave my room. He sat down for a few minutes and then came back to me clutching my face to kiss me. He grabbed my hair too, saying it smelled good.  I started walking in the room telling him to leave. Before he left, he asked me if he could masturbate in front of me. I yelled at him saying not to. The next day I told Mrs. Catano about her cousin's sexual assault. She believed me, but no action was taken.


My life in this house has been a nightmare I've never lived before. This sex stalker has decided to play hide-and-seek with me. He purposely leaves his bedroom door to harass me, walks down my side covering his intimate parts with a towel. I can't go to the kitchen because it's his favorite place and he stays listening to music for a long time. I have to walk with caution not to find him and stumble upon him in the dark.

September 6, 2019- October 17, 2019

On September 5, 2019, I went to see a building across the street looking for a studio apartment. I spoke to a nice super but told me there was nothing available in the building. I asked if he knew anyone to rent a room, he called one of his friends. Around 5:30 p.m. I met with her. The building had no elevator, there were 26 steps to go to the second floor. As soon as we entered the building it had a strong smell of marijuana. The apartment was in front of the area where trash and recyclable were stored. She lived with her 86-year-old mother and a 55-years-old brother. Some days a 72-year-old woman would help care for the mother and stay with the family. There was a camera in front of the room. The landlady asked for weekly payments of $150.00 and a $150.00 deposit. I took the room like a raft of salvation to leave the current house.

Around 6:30 pm I started moving my stuff by myself, the landlady offered to help me, but she gave up after bringing two suitcases. It was hard to get everything down from a seventh floor and then climb 26 steps, my shopping cart was heavy by itself. The landlady told me she'd ask her brother to help me, but he never showed up. I offered him $50.00 to bring things to the room. The brother was sitting in the living room watching TV and observing me struggle to open the door. The super called me surprised by my move even though he knew my situation. The new landlady complained that it was late at night and I should hurry. She told me her mother slept early and she worked the next day. Her job was as a lady-in-waiting for an older person. She left the house at 5:30 p.m. and returned at 8:00 a.m. the next day, 3 days a week. She was mad at me and told me that if she knew I had so many things she hadn't rented me the room. The pain in my legs was intense and exhausting me.

I had already moved more than half my belongings and still had some more trips. I had no choice but to call the super to accept his friend's offer to help me. He made only 3 trips and was upset about going up the stairs, left me alone around 9:00 pm. I paid him $50.00 and he seemed unhappy. I made the last two trips dragging my things and running down the street about to pass out. When I finished moving in, the landlady warned me not to make noises because she didn't want complaints from people downstairs. The next day at 5:30 am the noises from the recycling and trash collection woke me up. A lot of flies came into the room. The landlady’s brother every day made me feel repudiation towards him. He put marks on the toilet paper to see if I used it.  He was hiding behind my back to see if I used the things of the house. In the morning he would get up at the same time as me and take possession of the kitchen and bathroom. My room was in front of his and besides the living room and bathroom.

On September 21, 2019 I met the super in a vegetable shop and informed me that another of his friends was renting a room on the third floor where the studio was. On October 17, 20202 I still believed in his false promises to get an apartment. I moved to a place of corruption where I was sexually assaulted, my food was poisoned, and I was accused of possible murder of the landlady and her son. I decided to unmask abusive and intimidating landlords with tenants who with a room help them pay the rent.

HOME# 16. Grand Concourse Bronx, New York
July 6, 2019 -September 6, 2019

My dream of having privacy and freedom in an apartment in New York became a nightmare and begins in this house. I ran into the super of a building in Grand Concourse, Bronx. We had a meeting in the basement where he lives. After knowing my financial situation, he assured me that I qualified for a studio apartment and he was also a personal friend of the owner and would use his influence to help me. He informed me that by mid-July 2019, two studios would be unoccupied, one on the third floor and the other on 8. He showed the third floor, the tenant who lived there opened the door for us. He had a friend on the seventh floor with a room to rent and there I could wait for the studio. I paid him $150.00 commission and accepted the offer with great enthusiasm.

The room was technically a closet. The landlady asked for $800.00 rent, but with the help of the super low price to $600.00 per month. The room had a sink and a toilet, and could not have a key because the landlady used the sink to brush her teeth. She gave me a small area in the fridge for my food. The kitchen was disgusting. The stove had pots on top that should be in the same position after cooking. I wasn't allowed to use the counters, the landlady had them full of things on purpose, no microwaves or any electrical appliances. There were 2 large rooms rented to two men. On the day of my move I met one of them. This man gave me a bad report on the landlady saying, "That woman is worse than the devil." By her lifestyle in somehow, I agreed with him, but I believed the promises of the super that I would be there only for a few weeks.

This tenant constantly had strong arguments with the landlady. He had threatened her if she kicked him out of the house, he would report to the court that she receives more than $2000.00 in rent living under public assistance. She paid only $553.51 rent. The landlady told me that he had asked her to marry her to get papers. Although he did his best to gain my trust by offering me protection and sharing some of his food with me, he was not a reliable person to me. This landlady was a demanding and harassing woman. The apartment was full of plastic bags and did not allow opening any window, it smelled horrible. Her bedroom was the dining room and from her bed she controlled who was in the kitchen and for how long. I cooked rice and eggs in the bathroom.

The man who rented the other room caught my attention every time I went to take a shower. I observed strange events by his door, it seemed that they came from the rituals of evil. Every day different things appeared and what worried me most was the lock on the floor. He joined the landlady to go against the other tenant. I saw him three times and we only said hello. On July 28, 2019, the landlady was not home and the tenant I met was cooking. He asked me to lend him a pot. When he gave it back to me, he kissed me on the shoulder and grabbed my face tightly to kiss my mouth. I turned it down and went back to my room. Since then, I've tried to avoid him. Even though I refused to get his food, he still left me something in the fridge. I stopped talking to him. On September 4, 2019, I found a dead mouse by my bed. I've never seen mice in my room or fecal waste. That night I decided to get out of this hellhole.

May 23, 2019 - July 6, 2019 $600.00

On May 1, 2009 a neighbor informed me that a woman from first floor was renting a room. She spoke already to her about me and the woman wanted to meet me. This day I had a very hectic day due to an unexpected problem with the Social Security. I was trying to get my retirement to be able to rent a studio-apartment.  I received a phone call informing me that the file shows my gender as male, and I should go to any social security offices to fix it before applying for my retirement. I was sent to different offices and my identifications were not enough to prove I am a female. When I arrived at the last office a security guard asked me the reason of my visit. I told him I was going to change my sex. The man started laughing and making fun at me.  In my desperation to make me understand I told him that I was able to show my body if my gender with my IDs can't be corrected. (US passport and driver license). My words were misinterpreted and caused alarm. The guard thought I was going to take my clothes off to expose my body in public and called an employee. Finally, I could apply for sex change.

This was a one-bedroom studio with a small kitchen integrated into the living room. The landlady rented her bedroom to sleep on a sofa in the living room. I found it a nuisance to her due to the small space of the room, there she had the dining room, two bikes, TV and fridge. The bedroom had 2 beds, 4-night tables, a bike and a chest of drawers between the beds. The rent was $600.00 plus $300.00 deposit. The landlady wanted me to make the decision to rent quickly because she had more people interested in renting the room. I didn't ask why so many furniture inside the room, I assumed it could be due to lack of space, but when I took the room her stuff would be taken out.  A day before my move the landlady took me to the room, looked at the beds and asked me which bed I would choose to sleep in. I replied that any bed was the same for me, immediately she told me that she would sleep in the other bed. I was in shock; she didn't inform me that the room was to share. I didn't accept the terms.

May 23, 2019, I moved in, even though I knew that the relationship with the landlady was not going to work, I had no choice. I couldn't afford to lose $900.00 already given to her. On top of that, the previous landlady wouldn't take me back. I asked to get her things out of the room, my request caused an argument between us. She said the room was to share not for myself. She accused me of taking possession of her apartment and became my enemy. At night, when I brought my stuff, she complained because I had so many things. She went into the room and closed her eyes saying the room was full and I had more stuff than her. She was very upset, warning me that the room must be clean. She didn’t give me the key to the room and restricted the electricity by turning off the light. She used the bathroom for a long time. I had to wait until she finished doing her makeup. It was hard for me to cook even a breakfast; she was pretending to sleep but supervising me. I stayed a month and a half that I paid for.

June 15, 2019, I went to a building located at Grand Concourse Bronx, NY searching for a studio-apartment and the super put me in a room at home # 16.

August 23rd, 2017-Mayo 23, 2019

On August 19, 2017, I walked around a church in search of a generous heart to help me find a place to live. After long hours sitting on the edges that separated the church from the public sidewalk, as a miracle a man left the church and became my Guardian Angel with a room. On August 23, 2017 I moved into a one-bedroom apartment. I rented 6 x 8 feet from a 15-foot living room for $500.00. My space had 2 large broken windows that on snow days entered the room. To open-close I had to crawl on mattresses bouncing off the bed. As a headboard of the bed there was a radiator that could not be used due to excessive heat for the size of the room. Under this radiator the mice had their burrow and it was difficult to catch them due to the lack of room to move things.

The living room was divided by a thin wall that allowed to hear everything from the other part that was the entertainment area. This area was very dark. A large TV connected to music and speakers hung on this wall. Next to my bedroom door was a glass-decorated bar display case and when I came out, I would hit my arms. The kitchen didn't have a space for me, not even to wash a dish. The bathroom sink didn't have room either. The apartment was completely full, even behind the exit door. The landlady informed me that her son and sister had the keys to the apartment and her 11-year-old grandson stayed with her for a few days. Besides, her boyfriend spent most nights with her. The sister was the security guard to supervise me, and the boy a troublemaker for me.

The landlady had a strange attitude, seemed upset by my presence in the apartment, it was clear that she wanted complete privacy and I was on her way. Her room was at the end by the bathroom and when I had to use it and her door was open, she aggressively threw it on my face without saying anything. In the morning, to avoid my greeting as I left the house, she would wear headphones pretending not to listen to me. She had a very jealous attitude when her boyfriend was at the dining table, when she heard me leave the house, she covered him with her body to prevent us from seeing each other. I recognized him by the screaming voice and saw him twice during the time I rented the room. He was a married taxi driver who visited her around midnight. I knew when they were fighting by her bad humor. The landlady was almost my age and acted like a teenager girl to impress him. The lingerie that hung in the bathroom were thongs that looked like the girls' headbands. They were both useless in the house, I made some repairs for them.

The landlady always locked the apartment with a chain at any time of the day or night, even when we were both at home. This was just a precaution, to avoid being surprised by some of her romantic companions. I had to call or text her to open the door. What made me very angry was when she was in her room with music and didn't listen to the bell or the phone. I was stayed in the room for most of my time to avoid her looks of contempt and arrogance. In addition to this miserable life, upstairs tenants made a lot of noise after midnight. A woman on the first floor offered me a rental room, I took another challenge. The Guardian Angel burst his wings against my heart, he said I was a diamond in the rough and wanted to polish me.  I left him alone going back to heaven. 

Home #13 Lisbon Pl, Bronx New York
March 10, 2017- August 23, 2017

I moved from the first to the second floor of the same house. The apartment had 3 bedrooms; the largest was by the balcony. Here lived a woman with a disabled son who was later forced to move out for not paying rent. She was the friend of my former landlady assigned by her to kill me. Next to this room was a large room with curtains hanging from the wall. This space was occupied by a woman and 2 daughters, one 12 years old and the other 4. On November 2016 the owner brought them home and became their mentor 4. On the other side were two small rooms; one rented to a postman for 5 years and the other was mine. The rent was $500.00. I learned that in this room one of the previous tenants was found dead. The owners took the body to the park and sat it on a bench. This way the house would not be involved in the death. The mail man reported the tenant's death to the owners.

The woman and her daughters took the apartment as their property and made life hell for the other tenants. They were protected by the owner of the house who included them in taxes as dependents and helped them obtain migrant refugee visas. Fights, noises and screams were frequent. The postman got up at 2:30 a.m. and couldn't sleep. During the night the mother was not at home and during the day she slept, she would wake up shortly before going to work. The daughters were practically unattended. The eldest had to cook and care for the 4-year-old who was very naughty. I found her alone hanging on the balcony and sick in the bathroom. Several times the police came home to control the misconduct of the minors and the mother against me and the postman.

The mail man and I became friends and teamed up to fight the wrongdoings of the mother of daughters. This woman used to curse this man in Spanish, and he couldn't understand.  They had a psychological war to the point where they were not tolerated, they would throw the doors when they met. We share part of our personal lives. He came to this house after he split up with his wife. He was devastated by the situation and the owners took advantage of that. He paid $750.00 rent including bed rent.
The homeowner was a blind man, but people doubted that. He gave the mail man a phone charging $25.00 a month. This was a damaged old phone that was given for free, I tried to buy a battery, but it was discontinued. The owner's sister lent him money by charging twice the loan. In July 2017 he showed me a $3000.00 debt. I witnessed some transactions that both recorded in a notebook. The death of one of his brothers left him badly despondent, he died of a heart attack at his daughter's sixteen-years party. I went to the funeral. The hell I lived, and the bedbug invasion forced me to move out.

On October 17, 2017, I received a call from the owner's sister informing me that when she went to collect the rent to the postman found him dead. The room had a pestilent smell due to the rot of its body; the worms ran down the wall and came out under the door. She deduced that he was dead in his bed for at least two weeks, his face was skeleton. The girls' mother posts this miserable event on her Facebook comparing the worms to the rice scattered everywhere. This terrible news left me in shock and his death brought me lot of pain. R.I. P. Anthony M Caputo.

Home #12 Lisbon Pl, Bronx New York
October 10, 2016-March 10, 2017

A woman from one of the Hispanic shops located at the same street as the previous apartment informed me that one of her clients was renting a room. the landlords were a couple and asked for $1,000.00 rent and deposit. The room had no bed and the door was clear plastic with a curtain. Next door was a room rented to a 25-year-old Korean student. The first day the landlady showed me the room for rent, she opened the Korean student's door so I could see how messy he was. He paid $600.00. The landlady asked $100.00 more for cleaning. I needed a place to live, and moved in.

My landlords were married on 2015 as soon they discovered the cancer in the landlord. This man through public assistance for the treatment of cancer began a process to legalize his immigration status in the United States. The landlady expected to obtain her residence through him. The Chemotherapy ruined the intimate functions of the husband and they lived in separate rooms. They were gamblers. A day after Christmas they invited me to a casino. Each of one had properties in their country.

A boy named "Carlitos" was given to this 57-year-old landlady to be a nanny.  This woman used the child to extort a man for money, cheating on him with false fatherhood and motherhood. This man knew her when he made pizza deliveries at the age of 17. Although the couple looked like mother and son, they had a clandestine affair over the years. The landlady told him that she had become pregnant of him and because she was a married woman, she had to keep their son a secret. The man gave her child support and financial aid based on her lie. They go out during baby-sitter time. He was 27 years old and still believed in this Machiavellian story made by this corrupt woman

The child's mother was unaware of what was happening with her son. She was a single mother and the boy's father didn't care about him being a married man. Because of the difficulties the landlady had in taking the child to the pizza man, she told him that she had to send their son to her country. She was asking him for plane tickets to make him think she was bringing and returning the kid. She had promised him that when her husband died, she would fix his immigration status. He believed it too.

The boy was forced to call his fake parents’ mom and dad. I listened to the landlady asking the child, "Who am I?" The boy answered in an insecure voice "Mom." The supposed father was proud to show Facebook photos of his supposed son. The landlady was very cautious not to be discovered by her husband or the kid’s mother. The husband found many calls to the same number on her phone. He researched and they were from the pizza man, he also saw pictures of the boy on his Facebook. Although the landlady denied his suspicion, he forbade her to bring the child into the house. She did it in secret. The child's mother had financial trouble paying for her services as a nanny and this made her criminal business difficult. A tenant was an accomplice and she told me the story. There were other terrifying facts. The house owner offered me a room to rent and I accepted.

HOME # 11 E Mosholu Parkway Bronx, New York
August 13, 2016 October 10, 2016

On August 06.2016 a friend and I were drawn by a political event near a park. We approached a woman who handed out shopping bags with sponsoring team emblem. I asked if she knew anyone who had a room for rent. She immediately invited us to her apartment which was on the first floor of the event headquarters building. The woman took us straight to the only room she had. The apartment was a little messy, she told us was cleaning, but had to go to the church where worked and then attend the festival. She said does not sleep in the bedroom because she liked to sleep in the living room. She needed money to help her daughter who was going through an economic crisis due to a divorce with two infants. The rent was $ 500.00.

She introduced herself as a person devoted to the Church where she spent most of her time. She handed out food to those in need and brought a lot for her house. She invited me to use what she had in the fridge. She confessed to me that she has just ended a 24-year relationship and wanted to resume her life. Her fiancé was an inconsiderate man. Also wanted to improve her writing skills and she saw in me her inspiration. She told me that her stepfather had income tax businesses and she was his right-hand especially during tax periods. She didn't have a cell phone because it was cut off but had cable services with TV. All these references made me happy to take the room.

This experience was unique, and I asked God never to repeat it again. My landlady was a woman with mental health problems, with manic episodes, schizophrenia, depression, drug addiction, sexual aberration  and domestic violence. She didn't sleep more than 3 hours, she spent most of her time on the streets during the day and night.  Many times, I couldn't go to the kitchen to avoid seeing violent sex scenes.  At first, I went like her coffee shop, she woke me up to ask for a cup of coffee. Often, asked me for $1.00, then $.50 cents, 25 cents any change. I documented it every day as a prisoner who writes its diary, all in fear of being involved in a tragedy. I was always afraid to find her in a hospital, a prison or at a funeral.

I survived 60 days under mental terror. Here are some of them: Day 7: On August 19, 2016 I was in shock when I arrived home and found the landlady unconscious sitting on the couch. Her younger sister was trying to revive her. She blamed at her ex. Day 8: the landlady told me she felt depressed and tired working for the Church. The relationship with the priest seemed diabolical because she wanted to be with him. Day 11: August 23, 2016, she introduced me to her ex. I was surprised since she had told me that she had ended her relationship with him. Also said that she missed the activities of the Church. Day 30: September 11, 2016 around 4:00 am I heard a fight. The landlady threatened to hit her ex. Suddenly something blew out, and the noise was very loud. I was afraid to leave the room; she had broken the glass of her eating table. Day 43: September 24, 2016 she had an argue with her ex for not having sex with her.
On October 11, 2016, I found the landlady naked in the bathroom. She seemed having a drug-overdoses, she tried to greet me with a smile, and it broke my heart. I was really terrified, I left her. A man was at home when I returned the key, she was not there.

HOME #10 Grand Concourse Bronx, New York
October 17, 2015-August 13, 2016

This apartment was on 7th floor, had two large bedrooms occupied by the landlady and her niece. There was a small room between the bathroom and the kitchen rented by a nice lesbian woman. The landlady rented me part of the living room for $500.00. I was struggling to pay for my credit cards and was forced to damage my good credit history. On October 12, 2015, I made the last expense. I bought four folding doors of plastics and materials to make a wall. The super’s building charged me $250.00 for installing them, the investment was $642. 21. Days after, I received an invitation from Bank of America offering me a credit card based on my excellent credit history. This letter has been the most miserable and humiliating offer I have received.

The mother of the landlady lived in the apartment upstairs with her youngest son. I met them; they were good people. The older sister used to come and visit the family. The landlady told me she wasn't happy living with her niece because she wanted to control her life. She always had a hostile attitude and stopped talking to her for periods of time. Indeed, there was a war between them. A few days after I moved in, I was in the kitchen with the niece. Suddenly, the niece was holding the glass’s cup of the coffee maker and it fell to the floor on pieces. I helped to clean the area. When the landlady tried to make coffee, she didn't see the cup. The niece was silent. I felt involved and showed the pieces on the trash saying the niece had broken it. The aunt in a humble voice said, "I guess my niece didn't sleep well and woke up in a bad mood."

The landlady often called New York City to complain about the heating. The living room was very cold, the heaters were not working properly. One day I burned my hand trying to open the radiators to see if the valve was closed. There were a lot of mice running from the kitchen to my room. The super charged $6.00 to put a foil under the radiators where the mice hid. The landlady warned me that if I put in my room, I had to pay for the 10 she has in the apartment. Neither the landlady nor her niece cooked and fought over groceries, ate whatever they found in the fridge no matter who it belonged to. The other tenant and I were hiding the groceries. I had a trunk with a key. One day I was sick and made a soup. I left it on the stove while it was getting cold. The unashamed landlady ate and gave her daughter without my permission.

On January 29, 2016, the other tenant moved out. I asked the landlady for her room, but she hesitated to give it to me. She wanted $600.00 rent and had to leave the division I made to rent the room to someone. I took the room even though I was not allowed to have a lock. I removed the walls I paid for. Suddenly I was embroiled in a war of envy and greed between the two of them. I became part of the niece's hatred. One day she came up to me and put her middle finger almost touching my face while cursing. She spoke to me in vulgar words. In addition to this situation, I had to run away from the previous landlady. Despite having left her apartment, she was still obsessed to stalk me. She followed me every time she saw me, she waited for me in the elevator. She chased me through the streets, approaching me from behind and sometimes putting her hands on my shoulders. I was forced to flee from my enemies.

HOME #9 Grand Concourse Bronx, New York
Julio 12, 2015- October 17, 2015

I met a woman from my country of birth at a Hispanic parade. She was supporting her son who was pursuing a political position in the Bronx. She informed me that one of the tenants of her building was renting a room. That day I went to see the landlady. We had the first disagreement. She asked for a copy of my driver's license and I refused to give it to her. She wouldn't tell me her name and I didn't feel confident on her. The room for rent had no bed, there was a sofa bed, but I couldn't use it because it belonged to her daughter. I had to sleep in a convertible armchair I had. The rent was $500.00.

Although I had a strange feeling about her, I agreed to move. The room had some religious items, frames, crosses, and a support for praying.   For space reasons, I refused to keep them. The landlady wasn't happy for not having her religious stuff. She told me that her relationship with her husband was not working and that she was dedicated to God. Soon I realized that something was wrong with her. She repeated events several times that she had already said. The apartment looked like a cemetery full of crosses, some large other small. The first night I was afraid when I went to the bathroom, it was dark and I heard someone snoring in the living room, but I couldn't see anyone. On the third day, I saw a man's feet coming off a couch.  Later, I found out that this person was her husband.

Two weeks later, the landlady caught my eye. She walked inside the house only in her underwear; looked like a big baby with a wet diaper. She didn't mind showing the shape of her intimate parts. On July 27, 2015, I realized that she had opened my room to check my stuff. One day I forgot a container in the bathroom and then I saw it among her things. On September 09, 2015, when I paid the rent, the landlady asked me for help paying the electricity bill. She told me was two months late with a balance of almost $700.00. She never showed me the bill. I refused to give extra money. The next day the microwave dish was missing, she had hidden it with the excuse that her daughter left it dirty. She also removed the shower head and stopped the cold water. She kept the apartment dark and I had to walk with a flashlight to go to the bathroom or kitchen.

The landlady started a non-stop chasing towards me. She was waiting for me by the bathroom door or kitchen or anywhere I was, at any time of the day or night. Every day it increased. The bathroom door had no lock and she would come in to see if I was there. One day her husband told me about the difficulties of living with his wife. He couldn't sleep in his room because it was full of crosses, including the bed. When she listened to religious speeches shouted loud slogans for me, I could understand that she believed that I had a devil and had been assigned to remove it. On 18 September 2015,
I felt desperate and terribly harassed that I asked the woman who recommended me this Haitian family, for help. Her apartment was on the same floor just a few doors away. She offered me to move to her living room. A niece and a lesbian woman rented the rooms. The only problem was that I needed to find a way to have some privacy; and she had no money to divide the room with a wall. I had to do it.

HOME# 8 Gerard Ave Bronx New York
June 06, 2015- Julio 12, 2015

I didn't have much choice, but I decided to rent at least the less bad. The room was the living room of a one-bedroom apartment. The landlady lived with her husband, a 12-year-old daughter, a 17-month-old baby. There was a small dog, but they kept it always in a closet. The dog was very aggressive, and he just go to the bathroom to do his needs. The rent was $500.00, and the landlords asked $125.00 as a one-week deposit.

After my move I learned that the only bedroom of the apartment was rented to a couple. The family slept on a double-sized sofa-futon located in the small hallway at the entrance of the apartment. It was 8 feet wide by 16 lengths. There was a flat TV against the living room wall and a small crib in front of the kitchen entrance. When the family was sleeping, I had to leave my room through the kitchen door so as not to wake them up. The wife slept with her head next to the feet of her husband and daughter with her legs on the mother's body. Most of the time I found the girl with her head hanging from the futon. They all looked like cans of sardines. I couldn't believe how these people lived; the couple didn't have privacy either.

The miserable habits of living of the family do not matter to me, what was terrible for me was not having peace to sleep. I had a great space, but no privacy. The husband had two jobs and came home around midnight. At that time the wife began cooking and the whole family was awake until dawn the next day. The baby was not allowed to sleep at night because the wife slept during the day. This girl used to scream loud when she wanted something. Many times, she knocked on my door with the bottle of her milk or threw toys.  Around 5:00 am finally the family was quiet, but I could no longer sleep.

In addition to all these inconveniences when I was going to the bathroom there was always waiting time, the family also used it to change clothes. I had to be careful not to walk through the dog poop and dirty diapers. I couldn't resist lack of sleep and decided to live the $125.00 deposit as a one-week rent payment and move out.

April 04, 2015- June 06, 2015

I met a woman on the street and asked her about a room to rent.  She told me she was renting her son's room because he was in jail. He was not allowed to come home after being released due to drug problems. The room was part of the living room and it could not be locked because it had the emergency windows. The rent was $400.00, and she was requesting a $400.00 deposit. She lived with her 17-year-old daughter and a troubled tenant who has been with her for 3 years. She told me that I must be careful with her fickle attitude if I wanted to rent the room.

The day after my moving I was disappointed. There was no shower. People in the house would pick water in a bucket and with a bowl they would take their showers. I heard an argument between the landlady and her daughter because the girl stayed a long time in the bathroom listening to music. She slept with the mother in the same bed. No one could throw toilet paper inside the toilet, it had to be thrown in an open dumpster and this was disgusting. It was hard for me to take a shower and I bought a shower head with a hose.

The building had poor maintenance; there was trash on the floors and empty beer bottles on the stairs.  One morning I found a man on the stairs and I got scared, I didn't know if he was alive or dead. This was a very old place, the ceiling of my room had 2 large cracks and the pieces were falling off. Only one window of the room could be opened, but the smell of garbage, insects and building material was an inconvenience.

Two weeks later I was in shock. The landlady introduced me to her son who was free of prison.  At first glance he had an attitude towards me, he didn't greet me, and he didn't look at me either. The next day I heard a conversation saying he wanted to get his room back. He was sleeping on a sofa against the wall that separates the room from the living room. It was obvious that the landlady used my rent money to get the son out of jail.

I got along with the other tenant. One night she told me the history of the family witnessed by her. The landlord’ son was trafficking illegal drug in his room. One day he sold heroin to two undercover policemen. Later, they arrived at the apartment and went to his room in search of drugs. The tenant, mother, daughter and son were handcuffed. The mother tried to resist the arrest and fell to the floor, hurting herself.  She used this incident to file a lawsuit against the police. The next day they were released, but the son was imprisoned. As the landlord was taking public assistance she was not permitted to live with her son, but she sneaked him in.

Entering the bathroom became impossible, the landlady's children stayed inside for hours. The son used it to consume heroin, which was his addiction. He would fall asleep sitting in the bathroom and the syringes would throw them in the toilet. One morning I found him naked in the living room. At night he screamed and sang in vulgar language. Since he was so close to me, I couldn't sleep he would come out and walk into the apartment frequently. I lived the rental deposit and ran away scared.

CASA# 6 Carroll Pl.  Bronx, Nueva York
4 de octubre de 2014 04 de abril de 2015

After two weeks living in this house, the landlady told me that her husband would come to New York the first week of September. They were separated because he complained that she was a difficult person to live with and that they could not speak without a fight. In December 2014, she informed me that her husband had returned to her life and he will live with her again. He reopened a cleaning business he used to have before the marriage ended. This man had no voice or command in the house, their son told me that his father was like a zero to the left for his mother. One day this woman had the nerve to ask me to cook for her husband and son. I did not accept it and she became my enemy. On February 09, 2015 the husband returned to his country.

Soon I realized that the landlady was an irritable, resentful, spoiled, arrogant and selfish woman. Often, she refused to talk to me and shouted that she had no time for me. A courtesy greeting was much for her.  All I heard was domestic violence, constant screaming and disrespect between mother and son, they always left me terrified and nervous. This woman was creating a monster in her son who longed to become a New York police officer. The drama I experienced with these people forced me to write a diary. Every day I thought a tragedy could happen in every fight. My writings and some recordings could be useful for a legal investigation if it was necessary.

Most of the time I had to cover my ears to avoid hearing the knocks against the door, as well as objects that were throwing to the wall or the floor to destroy them. Televisions, cell phones, chairs and even a laptop were destroyed by the landlady in a fight with her son. I was treated like a stupid person, and so I acted to avoid being another victim of domestic violence. On March 16, 2015, I was awakened by the landlady’s screams to her son saying: “Son of the big bitch you fell asleep late last night and does not want to go to school.” She worked at night and returned the next day. The son told me that his grandmother felt afraid to talk to her own mom. I decided to move out. Besides of all of this, my car was ransacked by the building maintenance man. This man had spent most of life in prison and was famous for stealing cars. He wanted I pay him to move my car during street cleaning days. I did it myself. I lost many documents, my GPS, and books.

August 02, 2014- October 4, 2014

I went back to Craigslist to find another place to live.  I found a lady who said she lived with her 12-year-old son and ex-fiancé.  She was renting a room for $400.00 and asked for a month's deposit. The apartment was on the sixth floor. The living room was divided into two rooms and one of them was the one for rent. The room had a double bed almost the size of the room, my things piled up against the wall leaving a space to walk of 2 feet by 5. The other room was like a closet, only had a bunk bed for children where the landlord and his son slept. The master bedroom was occupied by her ex-fiancé.

The landlady had decided to go to college in the morning and have a part-time job in the afternoon. This allowed her to work 20 hours a week and receive public assistance. Her son was injured in a public-school during play time and she had filed a lawsuit. She told me he was attending a Catholic school because she didn't like her son meeting with Hispanic or black kids. The boy's father lived in her country and was the mother's brother-in-law. He was a white man and his son inherited the color of the father with the complexion of the mother who had dark skin. I was shocked to hear this kind of racism being that she was Hispanic, and the color of her skin was dark. Although I had a bad impression about this woman and her feelings of racial discrimination angered me, I took the room.

On August 21, 2014 when I got home the apartment was dark. Suddenly I found the landlady sitting at the kitchen table with a lighted candle and crying. The first thing that came up to mind was that someone had died. I remembered the "project" building where candles lit as a memorial of a dead person. The landlady told me she had money issues and she might lose the apartment for not paying the rent. She had to choose between paying rent or overdue electrical services nearly $760.00. Since May 2014, the ex-fiance had not helped her enough because he had four underage children from other relationships. That night she left home and I was left alone with a candle lit. The food I had in the fridge was damaged, I couldn't recharge my computer or my phone.

The next day I had a bad day at my protest and felt sick. I had chest pain and ended up in a hospital. Saturday morning when I got home from the hospital still the apartment had no electric service. The landlady blamed at her fiancé for the unpaid bill. I decided to move, but I knew the landlady couldn't give me back the $400.00 deposit. I told her I'd take this money as payment for the month of September.  The landlady didn't like my decision and started to feel distrustful of me. During the month she didn't talk to me and she maintained a hostile attitude. She removed the TV that was in the hallway, hid the computer that was on a table as well as some kitchen utensils. All of this in fear of I would steal them. To make her feel comfortable, I warned her not to worry about being robbed by me, as this would never happen. I assured her that despite the misery I have experienced, I have never lost my dignity, or personal integrity.


HOME # 4 Kelly Street Bronx, New York
April 4, 2014. - August 02, 2014

I found in a laundromat an advertisement of a room to rent. The building was old, but the day of my visit was clean, and the elevator worked well. The room was on the sixth floor. My move was dramatic because the previous landlord was drunk following me. This day one of the elevators was out of order and waiting for the other became a nightmare for me. I had to walk around the building to keep this man from seeing me and following me in his car. I could only carry three boxes of books at a time. The day was rainy, and this made my move worse.

The new landlord was a young man who lived with an old lady that was his fiancée. The first day I met them, I thought she was his mother. The rent was $450.00. Seven people shared the apartment. Every day one of the tenants had to clean the bathroom, kitchen and hallway. Everyone had to have their own broom, mop and cleaning materials. My room was next to the bathroom. I could hear all kinds of noises, annoying like when someone used the toilet or vomited. The bathroom was always busy; sometimes I had to stand by the door looking when it was available. Soon I learned that the elevator was always out of service. I had to go down and up 6 floors with pain in my knee.

The kitchen was the most disgusting place, cockroaches and mice were running everywhere. The old lady made tortillas and many of them ended up in an uncovered dumpster. This was a mouse restaurant. The landlady told me the mice didn't bother her because they were fed with tortillas. These animals were in my room night and day. Cockroaches didn't care either. I never used the kitchen or got any food from anyone.

The landlord tried to make me his confidante. He told me about his unhappy life, never had children and lived with the old lady for convenience and compassion. He met her at the age of 26 and was younger than two of her seven children. They were together for 14 years. The old lady also told me about her resigned life with a young man.  She was aware of not being pretty, young or an educated person for her fiance. She didn't finish the second grade of elemental school and could barely write her name. The landlord worked in a bakery. He would get up at 2:00 am and the old lady also just to make h im breakfast. On weekends he had a video business, most of the time inviting his fiancée to help him load his equipment. I got along with all the tenants, including one that the landlords didn't like for bringing prostitutes in the middle of the night.

On May 31, 2014, I was victim of extortion by a man who blamed at me for hitting his car from behind when I was parking my car. He asked me for $100.00. I felt fear for my life and paid for it. Then a young man claimed that he was in the car and asked me for money. I refused to give it to him.  The next day I found a message on my car’s window next to the passenger in large letters that read: "FUCK YOU".  On June 29, 2014 at midnight I heard two shots on the block where I lived. The next day I learned that a few doors from the building there was a rehabilitation center. At the end of the street there was a shelter that also brought scandals. I could not resist the fears of the street and the miserable situation of the house and decided to find another place.

HOME #3 Tinton Ave, Bronx New York
 December 07, 2013- April 4, 2014.

Someone I met on the street sent me to a building called “Project”. Low-income people live in these buildings. The apartment had 3 bedrooms and was on the 16th floor. The landlady wanted to send a letter to the public housing, indicating that I was her caregiver to live with her. The housing was considering moving her and her husband to a one-bedroom apartment. Having me justified keeping the apartment. I refused to contribute to the fraud. I rented one of her rooms for $400.00.

The building had poor maintenance.  On my move-in day the boxes of my books could not be put on the elevator floor, I had to keep them up. The elevator was covered in urine, my shoes were soaked. Upon entering the 16th floor the smell of marijuana was very strong and there was rubbish in the hallways. My room was cold because the heating didn't work. The only window in the room was almost the size of a wall and the glass was broken. There were three plants by the window. My door had no lock because the landlady used to come into my room to water the plants and pick up things she kept in my room. I had no space for my belongings. There was no light on the ceiling, and I have to use an old table lamp that produced a lot of heat on my head.

I had no privacy, the landlady had me in constant supervision.  When I cooked, she was on my back looking and wondering what I was doing. On January 15, 2014, early in the morning she came to my door screaming at me, saying the sun was shining, and I should go out on the street to sell books. It was a cold day and I felt sick.

I could hear the constant fights between the landlady and her husband. She spoke aloud because he pretended to be deaf. The husband was an alcoholic and every day he was drunk. The landlady complained about drinking at work risking getting fired. He
was also driving his car drunk. Every night there were very strong arguments that I sometimes felt afraid of a tragedy. The apartment was overrun with cockroaches and mice. One day I cooked chicken with rice and left it at the kitchen counter to cool it off. Minutes later the containers were completely covered by cockroaches. I left a bread on top of one of my boxes and the mice made a big hole

On January 18, 2014, when I returned from New Jersey, I found the building surrounded by police cars.  At the entrance there was a dead memorial with lit candles. I got out of my car in shock and asked a police officer what was going on. He informed me that a man who lived in the building was killed. The walls and elevator had written messages; one of them caught my eye. It said: “We mess you up.”  I found out that this man was 23 years old and lived on the 16th floor next to the apartment. I realized that crime in the area was high especially on weekends. Every time I was looking for parking for my car, I was terrified.

The unhealthy situation of the apartment, the landlady’s insistence on making me part of the fraud, the harassing of the drunken husband, walking through crime scenes and going up 16 floors unsecure forced me to move out of this place.

HOME# 2. Hunter Ave Bronx New York
February 17, 2013- December 07, 2013

After surviving cold temperatures, misery and hunger, I found a room through Craigslist in the Bronx.  The financial aid that I had lost was reinstated and could pay a rent of $425.00 including internet services. Four other tenants shared the House. Two of them were attending to New York City Police Academy and they rented until the end of the school. Their family lived in New Jersey. One was English-speaking and the other Hispanic. The other tenant was a young chef who worked night shift at a club. The main room was rented to a man who occasionally came to the house. He had many years renting I saw him twice and I thought he was a good person.

The Hispanic policeman was very special with me; he gave me his phone number if I needed his help. When he cooked, he shared his food with me, and he always wondered if I had had dinner. He showed me pictures of his daughters and his wife saying he missed them. I felt a sincere friendship and never thought he wanted a romantic relationship. On weekends he traveled to New Jersey to see his family. He told me he stopped talking to the other cop because of his immoral behavior of going out and inviting women from the Academy into the house. He knew he didn't visit his family.

The chef was a good person, I helped him translating documents into Spanish. His personal life was a mess and had many financial problems. He liked strong alcoholic beverages. He had a large frame on the floor with a photo of his dead father. All rooms of the house had carpet. He lit a large candle and left it on the ground as he spoke to his father. The wax had already ruined the carpet. Almost every night he was drunk, and I was always afraid of an accidental fire. He thought his father would talk to him and give him advices. Our rooms were separated only by a wall.

The situation at home worsened when the English-speaking policeman decided to live with one of his mistresses in the house. This woman was an arrogant person who not greeted anyone. She left her underwear on the floor of the bathroom. Their room was just in front of the kitchen. On June 26 I went to the kitchen to made breakfast and I was in shock seeing the policeman and his lover sleeping naked having the room’s door opened. The chef told me that one day at noon he went to the kitchen and heard his screams and groans of a sex act. This policeman always was drunk.

The landlord asked the chef to vacate the room due to late payment on the rent. I moved into his room, which was bigger than the one I had. A new tenant joined the hell of the house. He was an English-speaking security guard. I tried to be nice to him, but his disrespectful attitude took me away from him. He was constantly mocking my accent by repeating the words I said. He reported the problems with the cop to the landlord. On November 24, 2013, around 6:00 pm the policeman knocked abruptly at my door.  He stood in front of me with his gun exposed. He wore a shirt raised on his chest and the gun hung from a belt held in his jean. He was furious accusing me of talking to the landlord about him. Using the word Fuck called me crazy and asked me to move out of the house. I was scared and I did it.

HOME# 1. Fresh Meadows, New York
September 04, 2012 -February 17, 2013

September 04, 2012, I found in a newspaper a room to rent. The landlady accepted me with my old poodle dog. The rent was $550. 00 per month plus $25.00 Internet services. I wasn't allowed to use the kitchen, and this forced me to eat canned and frozen food. The landlady was a Hispanic woman with two daughters (3, 10 years) and her fiancé father of the younger girl. They also had a white dog like mine. Every space in the house was rented to men. The landlady lived off public assistance and the City paid the rent of the house about $1,000.00. She received for rent payments around $3,000.00 per month. At the same time, she had a cleaning business under the name of a sister who owned a restaurant. The living room was divided it into two parts, one for her, the fiancé and the baby, the other side was separated by a low wall and was part of the kitchen. In this room slept the eldest daughter and her grandmother.

My room was located on the second floor next to two bedrooms and behind the bathroom. One room was rented to three alcoholic men; they drank every night making noises while playing loud music.  The bathroom most of the time was disgusting. These people would vomit on the floor and fall asleep in the bathroom. The other room was rented to a married man who used to sleep with his lovers. The basement was rented to two men one of them was an alcoholic who was harassing the 10-year-old girl, I heard rumors that he was the landlady’s lover. He paid rent with food stamps.

Neither the mother nor grandmother cared about the oldest daughter. She was unhappy and depressed girl. In December, the mother had plastic surgery.  She removed the fat from shoulders and back to increase her butt. She was obsessed by Jennifer Lopez and wanted to have her body. It was almost impossible to happen for her short stature and complexion. This procedure cost over $10,000.00 dollars. Her daughter disagreed and felt jealous by the fatness of her body. In addition, her mother stays naked at home showing to everyone how her new butt was. The whole family did not like to bathe and did so twice a month when their bodies stank. The 3-year-old girl was asthmatic and suffered constant vaginal infections. The grandmother was a gambler. They abused their dog leaving him outside crying of hunger and cold, this broke my heart.

There was no peace in the house, the loud fights between the landlord, fiancé, grandmother, tenants and their daughters were frequent. My life in this home became impossible. My room had no heating and could not have a heater because of electrical problems in the room. Sometimes I had to open a window to connect a wire to a switch of the backyard. My dog was too old with medical problems and the arthritis could hardly stand up. His health deteriorated quickly, and I had to put him to sleep. When the landlord found me on tears for this painful loss, she mocked at me saying I was a foolish crying over an animal. Her words hurt me tremendously and I tried to avoid seeing her.

I was forced to stay homeless. I was struggling to pay the rent, since the income I received from a relative was cut off. I rented storage 5 x 5 to keep the boxes of my books and sometimes spend a night there. This place was cold as the street.